Alexander Lowry | Regional Board of Education
What inspired you to run for local office? I am running for Board of Education because as a parent of two elementary students In Region 18 schools I am personally invested in the continued success and responsible management of the district. I believe in representative democracy; as a career educator with 20 years of public school experience across multiple settings in California and Southeast Connecticut I will bring an informed perspective to the Board of Education. |
MEd, University of Connecticut Connecticut Teacher Certification (Special Education K-12) California Teacher Certification (Social Studies 6-12) Qualifications for the Board of Education

When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?
As an outdoor enthusiast my free time is often spent in activities that bring me
close to wild nature: hiking, kayaking, fishing, and snowshoeing to name a few.
Where is your favorite place in Old Lyme?
My favorite local place often changes with the seasons, and as I continue to discover new natural areas of Lyme-Old Lyme. Some of my current favorites include: the cascading brook at Heller Preserve, the summit of what my daughters have named "crystal mountain" in the Nehantic State Forest, Watch Rock preserve at Sunset, and Lord Cove during the Swallow murmuration in October. We are lucky to live in a community that affords us access to a diversity of public preserves and open spaces. As a Board of Education member I look forward to building durable community partnerships that leverage the natural and human resources of our community to create outdoor learning opportunities for students.