Originally published Oct 17, 2023 on Lymeline.com
Letter to the Editor: Elect Savageu, Orzel to Fix Old Lyme Zoning; Bring Experience, Best Interests of Community to Commission
October 17, 2023 by Sandra Rueb
To the Editor:
The Old Lyme Zoning Commission needs fixing. Although it should always make
decisions in the best interests of the community, sometimes its members promote their
personal agendas. For example, on March 27 of this year the commission turned down
the town’s application to create the Halls Road Overlay District. This proposal had been
developed over a number of years by the Board of Selectmen’s Halls Road
Improvements Committee. It would have significantly expanded permissible
development opportunities for property owners in the Halls Road neighborhood, and it
would have reduced the likelihood that highway-focused gas stations and convenience
stores would be built in the area. It would not have imposed any new zoning
requirements on anyone.
The Halls Road project enjoyed the approval of the Board of Selectmen, the Board of
Finance, and over 80% of the public, according to those responding to a survey
conducted for the town in 2020. Nevertheless, on March 27 two alternates on the
Zoning Commission, nominally unaffiliated but normally voting as Republicans, nixed
the proposal in a 3 to 2 vote that required 4 votes to pass. This was a big loss for Old
To ensure better decisions in the future, we must balance the Zoning Commission with
thoughtful, talented Democrats. Denise Savageau, an extremely well-qualified Democrat,
must be elected. She is an experienced environmental planner, has substantial land-use
expertise, and sits on numerous, relevant boards. Incumbent Paul Orzel, unaffiliated but
endorsed by the Democratic Town Committee, should also be elected.
Please join me in voting for Denise and Paul on November 7.
Sandra Y. Rueb,
Old Lyme.
Click here to read this letter in Lymeline.com
October 17, 2023 by Sandra Rueb
To the Editor:
The Old Lyme Zoning Commission needs fixing. Although it should always make
decisions in the best interests of the community, sometimes its members promote their
personal agendas. For example, on March 27 of this year the commission turned down
the town’s application to create the Halls Road Overlay District. This proposal had been
developed over a number of years by the Board of Selectmen’s Halls Road
Improvements Committee. It would have significantly expanded permissible
development opportunities for property owners in the Halls Road neighborhood, and it
would have reduced the likelihood that highway-focused gas stations and convenience
stores would be built in the area. It would not have imposed any new zoning
requirements on anyone.
The Halls Road project enjoyed the approval of the Board of Selectmen, the Board of
Finance, and over 80% of the public, according to those responding to a survey
conducted for the town in 2020. Nevertheless, on March 27 two alternates on the
Zoning Commission, nominally unaffiliated but normally voting as Republicans, nixed
the proposal in a 3 to 2 vote that required 4 votes to pass. This was a big loss for Old
To ensure better decisions in the future, we must balance the Zoning Commission with
thoughtful, talented Democrats. Denise Savageau, an extremely well-qualified Democrat,
must be elected. She is an experienced environmental planner, has substantial land-use
expertise, and sits on numerous, relevant boards. Incumbent Paul Orzel, unaffiliated but
endorsed by the Democratic Town Committee, should also be elected.
Please join me in voting for Denise and Paul on November 7.
Sandra Y. Rueb,
Old Lyme.
Click here to read this letter in Lymeline.com